Gifts of the Spirit

"...and you will receive power to be witnesses

Acts 1:8 (NIV)


Man fascinated with the supernatural. Hollywood has fed into that fascination with giving us tv shows and movies about the supernatural. There is X-men and the Eternals. If you are more old school, then you remember Superman and Wonder Woman. Well, the believer is given special gifts through the power of the Holy Spirit. How does the Holy Spirit show his power through the believer? 

The Holy Spirit enables us to be a powerful witness to the world, therefore yield to Him.  Nehemiah 8:8, the Bible says, "....making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read". When the people of God understood, they changed. According to Nehemiah 9:1-3, they separated themselves from foreigners and confessed their sins. When we take the time to understand God's word, we can have a life-changing experience with God.  

He gives the gift of the message of wisdom. In verse 8, the Bible says, "To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom. Teaching, seeking divine guidance, counseling, and addressing practical needs in church government an administration may offer occasions for the gift of wisdom. It teaches people to grow spiritually as they apply their hearts to wisdom and make choices leading to maturity. The gift, however, is a message, proclamation, or declaration of wisdom. The gift therefore goes beyond both human wisdom and human preparation.

In Luke 21:15, Jesus promised His disciples “words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict”. 

He gives the gift of the message of knowledge. In verse 8, the Bible says, "To another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit.  This gift has to do with teaching the truths of the Word of God. It is not the product of study a such. Donald Gee described it as “flashes of insight into truth that penetrated beyond the operation of … unaided intellect.”15   The gift may include such things as God’s sharing of His secrets.  In 2 Kings 6:8-12, God gave Elisha knowledge about the king Aram plans to overthrow Israel. Peter knew Ananias and Sapphira lied about give all the money (Act 5). Elijah knew it would not rain for three years (1 Kings 17) 


Power to do the works of God